Do you still using bar soap? I've been not using bar soap for some time, until I found this Soap. Let me introduce you to Jellys Pure Soap :) This soap contains Glutathione Coconut oil AHA Vit E Aloe Vera Extract What the soap can do to your skin Lightening Moisturizing Brightening Nourishing Rejuvenating With all the benefits, the soap is safe and certified by BPOM, GPM Quality and FDA Approved. I'll show you how it works really well on my skin. On the picture you can see the difference after 1 week using the soap. It really brighten my skin :) without any dry feeling after using it. And it also have a very good scent, smell really good, I really love it. If you want to know more, you can check on their Indonesian Instagram page @jellysid. Thank you for reading, See you on my next post, Xoxo, Lindoyy